Top 25 Retail Website / Global Retail Influencer


Tony as Co-Host/Guest


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 124 - Declining Consumer Trust and World Reaches 8 Billion People
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 124 - Declining Consumer Trust and World Reaches 8 Billion People

Primary reasons consumers shop in-store are: they need the items now (75%) or they want to touch and feel or try on items before purchasing (57%). Across all segments, more than 25% of customers report decreased trust in retailers based on inventory levels. Customers report they will give up on your store after 2.5-3 out-of-stock experiences. In just 48 years, the world population has doubled in size, jumping from four to eight billion. The exact date that we will hit 8 billion is November 15.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 123 - The Successful IMPACT 2022 Conference at the Univesity of Florida
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 123 - The Successful IMPACT 2022 Conference at the Univesity of Florida

2022 LPRC IMPACT was a great success! In this week’s episode, our co-hosts discuss the IMPACT Conference and the great preparations taken, the record setting conference attendance, and a look at the LPRC moving forward into 2023!


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 122 - All Your Retail Holiday Forecasts Summarized
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 122 - All Your Retail Holiday Forecasts Summarized

USA retail holiday sales will increase 7.5% this year, above the 10-year avg. of 5%. WIth inflation, real growth will range from 1% to 3% below the 10-year avg. 92% of retailers expect a recession in the near future. 81% expect it to be one year or less. To prepare, 52% plan to seek cuts indirect expenses and 42% would invest more in loyalty, reduce direct expenses, and inventory. 56% expect to be stuck with excess inventory after the holidays. 60% of digital orders are now influenced by physical stores.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 121 - USA Retail Shrink Report 2022
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 121 - USA Retail Shrink Report 2022

Similar to the last five years, average shrink rate in 2021 was 1.4%. When taken as a percentage of total retail sales in 2021, that shrink represents $94.5 billion in losses, up from $90.8 billion in 2020. Highest LP tech investments in 2022: RFID systems; AI-based point-of-sale (POS)/self-checkout (SCO) video analytics; license plate recognition; and/or self-service locking cases or lockers. Nearly 90% of respondents reported that COVID-19 had resulted in an increase in the risk of violence.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 120 - Retail Violence and USA Holiday Sales Predictions
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 120 - Retail Violence and USA Holiday Sales Predictions

Since D&D started tracking the data in 2016, retail fatalities have been up every single year. In total, retail fatalities are up 63% since 2016. • Comparing quarter to quarter to the previous year, for Q1/2022 vs Q1/2021, retail fatalities are up 9% and violent incidents are up 16%. This holiday season, U.S. retail sales excluding automotive are expected to increase 7.1% year over year, according to the Mastercard SpendingPulse™ annual holiday forecast. Key trends to watch this year include.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 119 - Global Economic and Retail Headwinds
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 119 - Global Economic and Retail Headwinds

LPRC Team is on the road – Listen to see where! In this week’s episode, our co-hosts discuss the newest clinical trial data for vaccines, Tik Tok potentially got hacked, an examination of global inflation and the impact on everyday households, a look at the Global Economic and Retail Headwinds, the latest cyber security trends in the industry, and a look at everything 2022 LPRC IMPACT!


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 118 - Preview of Disruptive Future of Retail Webinar, LPRC Impact Conference, and Eastern Europe Cyber Attacks
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 118 - Preview of Disruptive Future of Retail Webinar, LPRC Impact Conference, and Eastern Europe Cyber Attacks

Update on LPRC Impact Conference. A preview of upcoming "The Inflationary, Recession-Risky, and Disruptive Future of Retail" webinar and a continued look at Eastern Europe generated cyber attacks


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 117 - Mid-Year Retail Checkup, E-Commerce, and UK Oxford Street
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 117 - Mid-Year Retail Checkup, E-Commerce, and UK Oxford Street

Mid-year Checkup: What Retail Execs are Saying about inflation and inventory and more. E-commerce Revenue to Shrink for the First Time. UK Oxford Street Footfall jumps 24% thanks to international visitors.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 116 - UK Crime, NRF views on Recession, and Cloud Computing
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 116 - UK Crime, NRF views on Recession, and Cloud Computing

UK Retail Leaders Call on Police to Prioritize Crime. UK retailers have spent £715m ($835 million) on crime prevention in 2020/21. Retail sales, which does not include auto sellers, gas station and restaurants, were up 7% in the first six months of the year, according to NRF. Where Americans Plan to Cut Back in the Face of Inflation. Amazon Leads $200 Billion Cloud Computing Market.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 115 - Retail Criminals Profiles, Inflation / Recession Impact, and Solutions
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 115 - Retail Criminals Profiles, Inflation / Recession Impact, and Solutions

USA has 27 million known shoplifters, but only 3% are professionals. Only one out of every 100 shoplifters are arrested, and about 48% of shoplifters were repeat offenders. The top 3 items that retail thieves craved most are designer clothes (34%), laundry detergent (21%), and razors (20%). Inflation and hard economic times increase crime in general and this includes retail theft. For every $330 worth of products stolen, a retailer needs to sell an incremental $300,000 worth to break even.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 114 - Consumer Perspectives on the Metaverse and Inflation
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 114 - Consumer Perspectives on the Metaverse and Inflation

Men (73%) are more likely than women (62%) to visit metaverse destinations. Women more likely to use metaverse as a virtual showroom, browsing products digitally before returning to physical world to make purchases (25% women vs. 18% for men). More than half (53%) of consumers say their financial condition is worse in 2022 than it was in 2021. Nearly a third believe it will deteriorate over the next 12 months. Consumers think they’ll be living with higher prices for 600+ more days.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 113 - Retail Crime Trends and Violence
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 113 - Retail Crime Trends and Violence

USA retail crime results in $125.7 billion in lost economic activity and 658,375 fewer jobs, paying almost $39.3 billion in wages and benefits to workers. ORC costs retailers an average of $720,000 for every $1 billion in sales as of 2020, up from $450,000 five years earlier. 86% said that an ORC criminal has verbally threatened an associate with bodily harm. 2021 was another violent retail year in USA retail with incidents up 9% and fatalities up 14% from the previous year.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 112 - Inflation impact on Amazon Prime Day / June Retail Sales and Top 10 Countries at Default Risk
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 112 - Inflation impact on Amazon Prime Day / June Retail Sales and Top 10 Countries at Default Risk

Starbucks will close 16 U.S. stores by the end of July because of safety concerns. In Seattle, property crimes are up nearly 20%. In Los Angeles, property crimes are up citywide more than 14%. Countries with the highest risk of default in 2022 include....Prime members bought more than 300 million items, but inflation drove choices. USA retail sales in June rose 7.7% year over year, but it feels it was an inflation story.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 111 - Convenience Stores Research and USA Violence
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 111 - Convenience Stores Research and USA Violence

6 in 10 consumers consider purchasing a meal from a convenience store when stopping for fast food. 1 in 3 will drive away if there’s a single car ahead of them at the pump. Nearly half will walk out of a c-store if one or two people are in line at the register. Which smartphone are we happiest and most loyal to? In the past 7 weekends since, these 15 major cities experienced 860 shootings with 276 people killed and 896 people injured.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 110 - The Latest Retail Statistics Including Headwinds
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 110 - The Latest Retail Statistics Including Headwinds

More spending is expected in physical retail than ecommerce in 2022 ($702 billion versus $604 billion), despite its slower growth rate. 2022 will mark a major milestone worldwide with e-commerce sales crossing $5 trillion for the first time. 73% of businesses are currently selling via social media, with that number expected to rise to 79% in the next three years. 61% of customers want to try products in person before making a purchase. The top 3 issues that retailers are facing are ....