Top 25 Retail Website / Global Retail Influencer


Tony as Co-Host/Guest


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 171 - The Meaning of 2024 and Why it Will be a Great Year
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 171 - The Meaning of 2024 and Why it Will be a Great Year

In 2024, the top 5 New Year resolutions for Americans are Saving Money, Be Happy, Exercise More, Improve Physical Health, and Eat Healthier. Your future, including what is in front of you, has not been written. Maybe setting New Year resolutions is a good place to start. Always remember that you are in control of your destiny and can craft the life you always dreamed about.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 170 - LPRC NY Kickoff and Young Shoppers Technology Preferences
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 170 - LPRC NY Kickoff and Young Shoppers Technology Preferences

Note the high preference from both Gen Z and millennials generations for frictionless checkout. Interesting the differences in smart fitting rooms between GenZ and millennials. Livestreaming, which is already popular in China, has an opportunity in the United States with younger generations. The survey results in using cryptocurrency and the metaverse are also insightful.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 169 - LPRC News, Cyber Attacks, and More
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 169 - LPRC News, Cyber Attacks, and More

LPRC has 3 new team members, this week our hosts discuss the continued growth of the LPRC! On this episode, our hosts discuss the upcoming LPRC events, the latest cyber attacks, and AI news. The hosts also go into a recap of the latest AP/LP news and the NRF Big Show.


Loss Prevention Research Council Episode 168 - USA Retail Fatalities 1st Half 2023 and Growing UK Retail Violence
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Episode 168 - USA Retail Fatalities 1st Half 2023 and Growing UK Retail Violence

For the first six months of this year retail fatalities are down 2% to 342 people killed in the industry. Comparing the data to 2016 when this report was started, retail fatalities are up 74% in the same six month period. 18% of those killed were suspects which were up 36% on last year. 59% were customers which was up 6% on last year. In a UK retail survey, almost half feel unsafe at work, while a quarter did not report incidents of abuse, partly because of a poor response from police in the past.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 167 - Midyear 2023 USA Retail Violent Fatalities and Rising UK Retail Violence
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 167 - Midyear 2023 USA Retail Violent Fatalities and Rising UK Retail Violence

2023 Midyear and Q2 Retail Violent Fatalities Report. 18% of those killed were suspects which were up 36% on last year. 59% were customers which was up 6% on last year. The UK based Retail Trust spoke to more than 1,600 shop workers from 200 companies such as Tesco, H&M and the Co-op. It found that almost half feel unsafe at work, while a quarter did not report incidents of abuse, partly because of a poor response from police in the past.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 166 - Ten 2024 Critical Risk Scenarios for the Global Economy
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 166 - Ten 2024 Critical Risk Scenarios for the Global Economy

The Economist Intelligence Unit forecasts stable, but unspectacular, global growth to continue into 2024 as economic uncertainty recedes and major central banks begin to lower policy rates in the second half of the year, geopolitical tensions, the advent of new technologies and persistent environmental threats could upset the outlook for 2024.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 165 - $20 Million ORC Case, Holiday Predictions, and Amazon vs Tik Tok
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 165 - $20 Million ORC Case, Holiday Predictions, and Amazon vs Tik Tok

Miami – Dade police announce arrests involving $20 million organized retail theft rings. This is the modern day mafia. Despite inflation woes, eight in 10 shoppers expect their holiday spending budgetsto either remain the same or increase from last year. Amazon & Tik Tok are on a collision course as they vie for position for a social e-commerce market that will grow into a $100 billion market by 2025, from $67 billion this year. 


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 164 - Phygital Retail is the Future of the Industry
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 164 - Phygital Retail is the Future of the Industry

32% will leave a brand after a bad experience. 71% expect personalized experiences. Personalizing the customer experience was the number 1 technology priority for retailers in 2023. Phygital is all about the data created at the intersection of physical stores and ecommerce. As a strategy, it heavily embraces technology to deliver differentiated and memorable consumer experiences.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 163 - Impact 2023 and Latest USA Retail Crime Trends
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 163 - Impact 2023 and Latest USA Retail Crime Trends

USA retail theft losses swelled to $112.1 billion in 2022, up 19% from $93.9 billion the year before. In the 2023 survey of 117 retail brands, 88% reported shoplifters have grown more aggressive and violent than a year earlier. As for perpetrators of organized retail crime, ORC for short, 67% of respondents say they're growing even more violent and aggressive, compounding on increased violence from prior years.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 162 - Effective Retail Shrink Strategies and Holiday Shopping Predictions
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 162 - Effective Retail Shrink Strategies and Holiday Shopping Predictions

Taking a closer look, it's clear that Costco, Lowe’s, Best Buy, and Tractor Supply have several striking similarities – qualities that are helping them win the war on retail theft. Holiday retail sales are likely to increase between 3.5% and 4.6% in 2023 for the November-January timeframe. U.S. retail sales to slow this holiday season, with the lowest growth rate since 2018. AI will influence $194 billion in global online holiday shopping spend.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 161 - The Latest European Retail Trends
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 161 - The Latest European Retail Trends

IMPACT 2023 is 10 days away! We hope to see you there, but in the meantime, our hosts discuss choices and consequences of crime, forecasts for growth in the US and in Europe, as well as risks for global economies, and new risks emerging in cybersecurity and how to remain protected.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 160 - Latest Retail Trends Shared at Axis Retail Leadership Forum
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 160 - Latest Retail Trends Shared at Axis Retail Leadership Forum

USA growth is projected to be just 1.6%, slightly better than the advanced economy average for 2023 according to the OECD. For 2024, the current projection is that USA economy will only grow 1%. NRF projects that this years’ holiday sales will grow 4% to 6%. Just over 80% of the holiday spend this year will be in physical stores. This holiday season, AI will influence $194 billion dollars in global online spend.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 159 - Featuring Special Guest Tom Arigi
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, Tom Meehan, and Tom Arigi

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 159 - Featuring Special Guest Tom Arigi

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 157 - UK Theft Trends and USA LP Tech Usage
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 157 - UK Theft Trends and USA LP Tech Usage

Incidents of theft have increased by 26% across 10 of the largest cities in the UK, with some cities seeing a rise of as much as 68%. USA low-end malls are worth at least 50% and in some cases more than 70% less than they were when mall valuations peaked in late 2016. For retailers and loss-prevention experts, the primary goal of these technologies isn’t necessarily to catch thieves in the act, but rather to make committing their crimes less appealing — turning them away before they ever reach the door.


Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 156 - USA Retail Performance and World Most Valuable Brands
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 156 - USA Retail Performance and  World Most Valuable Brands

With inflation factored in, only three sectors had positive growth: drug stores up 3.6%, restaurants up 4.4% and online non-store retail which was up 3.9%. Amazon most valuable global brand in 2023 according to Brand Finance. In the year 2075, the number 1 economy is expected to be China, followed by India, and USA drops to third place. Twitter rival Threads loses 75% traffic 15 days after launch.