Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 159 - Featuring Special Guest Tom Arigi
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, Tom Meehan, and Tom Arigi

This week on CrimeScience, Dr. Hayes discusses our preparation for the IMPACT conference coming up in October with visitors in the labs. We also have another guest this week with Tony D’Onofrio interviews Tom Arigi of American Freight regarding his long career in LP/AP and his opinions on the state of the industry.
Questions that Tom Answered:
- Tell me about your background, how you came to the field of asset protection?
- You have crossed quite a few growth milestones in your career, what has motivated you to become the leader that you are today?
- Any mentors that come to mind that inspired your asset protection career and what key lessons did you take away from those discussions?
- What do you see as the role of technology in asset protection and safety?
- Any technologies that stand out to you today that you believe are more important than others?
- You have been heavily involved with the Loss Prevention Research Council. What are your thoughts about the work they are doing?