Top 25 Retail Website / Global Retail Influencer



The future of the American mall - CBS This Morning


Almost 1,700 USA stores inside malls closed in 2018, according to Bank of America, and so far this year, closings have reached more than 4,000. This is the future of malls. - CBS This Morning

Architecture Professor Explains Why Malls Are Dying | WIRED


WIRED's Emily Dreyfuss talks with architecture professor Ellen Dunham-Jones about mall culture and the fate of dead malls. Hint, zombies and loneliness epidemic.

2019 USA Holiday shopping trends - Deloitte


What's in store for retailers this holiday season? Unwrapping top 10 holiday shopping trends, how much consumers plan to spend, where they'll shop, & latest digital trends. - From Deloitte USA

Highlights from the Alibaba 2019 11.11 Global Shopping Festival


For Alibaba, 24 hours of experience filled shopping, $38.4 Billion in gross revenue, a new record in the 11th edition of 11.11 Singles Day.

The Rise Of Mobile Robotics In Retail


Brain Corp has deployed 3,000 industrial floor cleaners. Bossa Nova has deployed 350 inventory robots in Walmart, and Simbe expecting to deploy 500 systems over the next year. - From ABI Research

How Toys 'R' Us Went Bankrupt | WSJ


For decades, Toys "R" Us was a retail overall leader. Then they filed for bankruptcy in 2017 & liquidated six months later. How did Toys "R" Us go bankrupt? - From Wall Street Journal

Grocery ‘smart cart’ being pilot tested by Sobeys


Sobeys is pilot-testing a high-tech shopping cart that allows shoppers to skip the checkout line, but it is not intended to replace cashiers. From CityNews Toronto.

L2 Inc. Two-Minute Case Study - Artificial Intelligence: Sephora's Newest Beauty Advisor


Would you accept skin care recommendations from Siri or Skynet? Maybe not, but you might have been served A.I.-picked recommendations, thanks to Sephora.

A High-Tech Retail Experience in China


From augmented reality-powered mirrors to robot couriers, Alibaba's Intime shopping mall brings shopping innovations to Chinese consumers in time for Single's Day 11.11.

Holiday 2019: US Retail Outlook


Coresight Research projects a positive USA Retail Holiday Season. Holiday shopping becoming less important to retailers.

Why You Spend So Much Money At Ikea


At heart of Ikea's success is value. In fact, price is so important to Ikea's strategy that company first decides on price of a piece of furniture & then reverse engineers construction. - CNBC Make It

Malls Of The Future Are Re-Inventing Retail - Cheddar Explains


Malls as we know them are going out of style - but that doesn't mean they're dying. Instead, they're using AI, curated experiences, and more to evolve and fit into the world of tomorrow.

The Most Influential Digital Trends of 2019


Synchrony’s latest consumer research tracks adoption and interest in new and emerging retail technology. Results for Personalization, Augmented Reality, Bio-Authentication and Simplification.

China digital consumer trends in 2019 - McKinsey


New research from a survey of 4,300 Chinese consumers suggests a path forward for brands and marketers seeking the next wave of growth. - From McKinsey & Company

The Future of Retail powered by AI - Zensar Technologies


With Facial Recognition, Smart Shelf signals, Personalized Promotions, Package & Bio-metric scanning, in-store & shopping experience as a whole is revolutionized for customers as well as retailers.

Sam's Club Scan & Go Experience


More than 90% of members who try Scan & Go use it again on their next trip, and regular use is up 40% this year. That’s because it makes shopping easier and members like that. - From Sam's Club

Why industries should fear Amazon | FT


Will Amazon conquer the world? From banking to data, food delivery to healthcare, the FT's Lex looks at which sectors should fear the tech giant the most. From Financial Times

The Robot Revolution: Automation Comes into Fashion | WSJ


Latest technology and what it means for the 60 million people who work in the garment industry. - From Wall Street Journal

TMF 2019: Shopping Comes to Life with MR


Browse and buy – in another dimension – at the mixed-reality shopping booth at Taobao Maker Festival 2019.

How AI Is Transforming Retail | Cognizant


Evolutionary AI models a business and tests strategies to anticipate the likelihood of success.