From painting front doors red in China to burning a wish in Russia, this is an interesting snapshot of how different people choose to celebrate. Now Italy about those red underwear...
What is the largest Christmas gift ever received? Meet Santa Claus as he is known around the world.
Anyone can create a product, but not many can create an experience. Study your customer and understand how they interact and talk on social media. Create your own magical marketing experience.
The fact that three in four of the consumers we spoke to agree they’re buying fewer better things indicates to us that this trend, once observed in influencers, is going mainstream
The six most important metrics to track in loss prevention and the mitigating comparison factors.
More than 70 percent of employers are using LinkedIn to recruit and hire new employees, so having an effective profile can be the difference between being the preferred candidate and getting beaten by the competition.
In today’s world, the evolution of technology is king — creating new challenges for retailers to remain relevant and accessible to the equally evolving retail shopper. Constant connectivity, instant gratification, and limitless resources create a need for retail shops to push beyond the traditional brick-and-mortar in order to cater to the rise in digital transactions.- Information Bee
Here are 10 of our favorites from the postcard and our interview with the Likeable Local CEO.
Marketers can learn a lot from a simple game of 'would you rather'.
The companies and nations that are leading the way in innovation and research. Where are all the retail companies?
The apparel category has a uniquely high level of competition even for the largest brands. So who’s breaking through?
You may already have a great LinkedIn profile but how do you make it even better? A key tool to build your personal brand.
Like the internet and GPS before them, drones are evolving beyond their military origin to become powerful business tools. From Goldman Sachs.
The regional distribution of social media users shows social media is by far most popular in East Asia, and reveals the top 20 social networks as well as the rise of the big three - Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn - in terms of users and revenue
The buying bloc is more populous than millennials and moms. Give consumers a reason to believe in your company, and they will give you their loyalty and their activism.
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