Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. These five tech companies – or rather, tech giants – have a far-reaching influence on the lives of millions of consumers across the globe. Good Ohio University / Infographic Journal summary.
There are so many brands online, but the majority of consumers follow fewer than 10 of them. In a digitally distracting world, a picture is worth a lot more than a thousand words. Great AdWeek Infographic.
Spending on digital media surpassed television ads in 2017, and now global digital spend is anticipated to top $333 billion this year. Like the "7 Trends You Must Know for a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign". Function critical to branding innovation.
The perfect profile blueprint. Getting your image sizes right. How to outreach for LinkedIn recommendations. Hidden LinkedIn features. The anatomy of a perfect LinkedIn profile. Quick LinkedIn tips to do today. Keeping your LinkedIn profile secure. The LinkedIn mobile app.
Did you know that nearly 67% of shoppers in US have used Buy Online Pick Up In Store (BOPIS) in the past six months and 10% of all sales will be fulfilled by Click and Collect by 2025. -- From Invest
All of the following are happening each minute: 188 million emails and 18.1 million texts sent. 41.6 million messages sent on Facebook and WhatsApp combined. 1.4 million swipes on Tinder and more.
Globalisation and flourishing international trade has opened the door to economic growth, but also counterfeit goods. What is the bottomline cost of fake goods to economies, and brands? From a Europe POV. - Raconteur
Two out of every three shoppers now considered to be a 'beliefdriven buyer'. Retailers are being pressured to be more ethical and sustainable in their practices...for the same amount of money. -- Raconteur Future of Retail 2019
A business with high levels of trust is 2½ times more likely to have high revenues than one where trust is an issue. 93 percent of employees feel that trust in their boss is essential to being satisfied at work. Good leadership list from The Business Backer.
By 2025, the global AI market is expected to be almost $60 billion; in 2016 it was $1.4 billion. Global GDP will grow by $15.7 trillion by 2030 thanks to AI. AI can increase business producitivity by 40%. Already 77% of the devices we use feature one form of AI or another.
Demand for workers in artificial intelligence (AI) has increased by up to 119% in the past three years. with AI related roles nearly doubling. Contrary to popular belief, AI isn't replacing humans in tech. -- Tech Republic
The difference in median age between Africa and Europe is quite astonishing, but the gap gets even wider when we look at individual countries. Can you guess oldest country? -- Visual Capitalist
New digital marketing platforms, technologies, and strategies: voice search, video marketing, programmatic advertising, artificial intelligence in audience targeting, visual search, Facebook popularity decline, and personalization in email marketing.
Environmental risks continue to dominate the GRPS results. This year, they accounted for three of the top five risks by likelihood and five of the top ten by impact. Tech also playing a major role. - Zurich Insurance
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