Top 25 Retail Website / Global Retail Influencer




A Short History of Tech Innovation

Back in 1975, companies paid $5 million for supercomputers whose processing powers were comparable to those of today's iPhones. In a relatively short amount of time, a series of similarly game-changing technologies have dramatically lowered the cost to innovate and created innumerable opportunities for businesses.



What Will the Future of Work Look Like After the Robot Revolution?

On average, one robot can do the job of 5.6 persons in the manufacturing industry. By 2025, the amount of robots in the U.S. could quadruple, and by 2033, nearly half of all jobs in the country could be at risk of automation. 



77 Facts About Cyber Crimes One Should Know in 2018

From biggest data breaches to 2017's top cyber crimes to the cost of cybercrime to the geography of threats to meeting the world's most famous hackers. 



Driving dollars Through Augmented Reality

The behavioural changes and prompts that such technology could bring about is more than just fun, it represents a huge potential to augment the traditional revenue of a whole host of industries. Agree the possibilities are endless even in retail.



Will e-commerce kill brick and mortar?

In USA, the total offline sales are 10X bigger than online. However, the online shopping business is growing 3X faster than offline. Who will win this shopping race?



What happens in an internet minute in 2018?

In your everyday life, a minute might not seem like much. But when it comes to the vast scale of the internet, a minute of time goes much further than you ever could have imagined.



What happens in an internet minute in 2018?

In your everyday life, a minute might not seem like much. But when it comes to the vast scale of the internet, a minute of time goes much further than you ever could have imagined. 



The Future of Augmented Reality

By 2025, the AR and virtual reality space in the healthcare industry is predicted to reach $5.1 billion, engineering $4.7 billion, real estate $2.6 billion and retail $1.6 billion. 61% would choose a store with AR experiences over a store without.



The Future of Crypto Payments in the Retail Market

From NetCents, highlights the growing acceptance of cryptocurrency by retailers and a willingness for consumers to consider using it. Importantly, the graphic also highlights the major hindrances preventing crypto from reaching mass payment adoption, as well as how the future may look significantly different than today.



The Art and Science of Networking

The three most important types of networks that you should develop are operational, personal and strategic. With the help of technology, networking is easier and more achievable than ever.  Fully agree and it is key to continuous learning and growth.



Who's Surviving the "Retail Apocalypse"?

Whether we’re in the middle of the “retail apocalypse” is still up for debate though. While online retail sales rose to more than $450 billion in the United States last year, they still account for little more than 10 percent of total retail sales, depending on which categories you want to include in that total. 



How long must you wait to ascend Google’s rankings?

There’s no precise answer for how long it takes to rank in Google, but if your site has a robust domain rating, you have a huge head start. For more Google guidance and SEO strategy, review the rest of the infographic.



Evolving Retail Landscape: Brick-and-Mortar Winning in Customer Experience

Nearly half of Millennial consumers prefer to shop in physical stores despite the robust growth of e-commerce



Everything You Need To Know About The Internet Of Things

Imagine a world amplified 100 fold where tens of billions of devices are connected to each other, everything from cars and phones to wearable devices, appliances, or even jet engines! $14.4 billion market by 2022.



The Science of Personal Branding Online

More than 70% of employers say they screen a potential employee’s social media. This infographic shows you how to strengthen your personal brand and just as important, it covers why online branding works. Putting your best foot forward, even digitally, can help you achieve your career goals.