Top 25 Retail Website / Global Retail Influencer




Bacardi USA Holiday Trends 2020

As the country prepares for a housebound holidays, Americans will be ditching traditional festivities and embracing new adaptations. With 76% experiencing changes in how they’re celebrating this season, the holidays will never be the same again. Cheers Everyone and Have a Safe Holiday Season.



A Breakdown of Amazon’s Revenue Model -VisualCapitalist

With a market cap of $1.7 trillion, Amazon is currently the most valuable retailer in the world. The company is expected to account for 4.6% of total U.S. retail sales by the end of 2020—but the tech giant is more than just a one-trick pony. -from VisualCapitalist 



Which Retailers Deliver The Best Mobile Shopping Experience?

Retailers are focusing their attention on mobile strategies to improve the customer experience. As many as 32% of consumers said that they have researched a product on their smartphone prior to purchasing item within the brick-and-mortar store. -from



A Snapshot of the Global Personal Tech Market -VisualCapitalist

The average American checks their phone 96 times a day—that’s once every 10 minutes. A plethora of accessories and devices, known as smartphone multipliers, have surged in popularity—this market is set to generate $459 billion in revenue by the end of 2020. By 2025, there will be an estimated 5.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, or roughly 70% of the global population. -from VisualCapitalist



The World’s 100 Most Valuable Brands & When They Were Founded -Infographicjournal

Did you know that the average age of the 100 most valuable brands in the world is an incredible 89.43 years, with 40 of the top brands having been founded more than 100 years ago? -from Infographicjournal



Evolution of Grocery 2020 - IHL Group

In many categories like cleaning supplies and toilet paper, retailers experienced demand equivalent of 4 months of demand in just 2 weeks. Grocery shoppers taking 30% fewer trips, but spending 37% more per trip than prior to COVID. – IHL Group



The $88 Trillion World Economy in One Chart -VisualCapitalist

In the one-year period since the last release of official data in 2018, the global economy grew approximately $2 trillion in size—or about 2.3%. Because of COVID-19, according to the World Bank, the global economy could ultimately shrink 5.2% in 2020—the deepest cut since WWII. -from VisualCapitalist



Visualizing the Social Media Universe in 2020 -VisualCapitalist

The vast social media universe collectively now holds 3.8 billion users, representing roughly 50% of the global population. Only time will tell just how high user counts will reach. The long-term trajectory suggests there’s more room left in the engine. -from VisualCapitalist



Data Never Sleeps 8.0 -Domo

What happens on the Internet every 60 seconds? 208,333 participants in Zoom Meetings. Facebook sees 147,000 photo uploads every minute. Twitter gains 319 users per minute. Instagram users post more than 347,000 Stories. Approximately 1,388,889 voice and video calls are made every 60 seconds. 2.7K Tik Tok Installs. -from



AIoT: When Artificial Intelligence Meets the Internet of Things -VisualCapitalist

By 2025, there’s projected to be 42 billion IoT-connected devices globally. From real-time data analytics to supply-chain sensors, smart devices help prevent costly errors in industry. In fact, Gartner also estimates that over 80% of enterprise IoT projects will incorporate AI by 2022. -from VisualCapitalist



Millennials and the Future of eCommerce Retail -infographicjournal

With a lifetime online shopping value of 10 trillion USA Dollars, Millennials are in the focus of the eCommerce business. 48% of this group are constantly available online. They’re tech-savvy, and they know how to use the internet to meet their needs and lifestyle. -from infographicjournal



Is Working From Home The New Normal? -InfographicJournal

88% of organizations have encouraged or required employees to work from home. 82% reported lower stress levels when working remotely. 1 billion active users on Google Drive. 20% of remote workers struggle with loneliness. -from infographicjournal



Countries Ranked By Average Hours Worked Per Week & Their Compensation -Infographic Journal

 How many hours do you work per week? Although you may think you work a lot, or know someone who does, in some countries around the world people work a lot more than you might be used to. -from Infographic Journal



The 50 Most Innovative Companies -VisualCapitalist

In the 1960s, a typical S&P 500 company was estimated to last more than 60 years—these days, the average lifespan is just 18 years. Walmart has moved up to the 13th spot on the list, an increase of 29 places since 2019. Five Chinese companies make the list. -from VisualCapitalist



What Does 1GB of Mobile Data Cost in Every Country? -VisualCapitalist

Surprised by USA vs Italy. There are more mobile phone subscriptions in the world right now than there are human beings. With 5G networks on the rise, just seven countries are expected to make up the majority of the 5G related investments. -from VisualCapitalist