Top 25 Retail Website / Global Retail Influencer



The Future Van from Mercedes-Benz


From Mercedes-Benz, an integrated vehicle that merges a number of innovative technologies for the last mile of delivery operations. Part of it can fly.

This Is What The World Might Look Like in 100 Years


Samsung commissioned these predictions in the Smart THings Future Living Report.

Never Stop For A Red Light Again? Audi Launching Traffic Light Information System


Audi just introduced an innovative new feature that is able to let drivers know exactly when the traffic light they are at will change. The new feature is available on Audi Q7 and A4 models this fall.

4 Best Future Technology Concept According to Samsung , MicroSoft, Mercedes, Intel


Enjoy this visual tour of future technologies from four leading global brands.

The Van Gogh Airbnb Bedroom Rental


Cannes 2016 Award Winning Ad. As part of the Art Institute of Chicago's new exhibit, the Van Gogh bedroom was recreated and rented on Airbnb. Great PR idea.

Top 5 Facts about the Internet of Things top 5 facts about the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it's becoming a major part of our lives, in ways you probably didn't know.

Top 10 Biggest Tech Flops


New is not always better and these products are proof of that. A visual technology tour of hyped products that met consumer reality.

Hyper-Reality Kaleidoscopic Vision of Future Technology


A provocative new vision of the future where physical and virtual realities have merged in a city saturated in media. Includes a trip to a future store - Exito in Medellin.

Introducing the Lily Camera


Meet the Lily Camera, the first throw and shoot camera. It lets anyone create cinematic footage previously reserved for professional filmmakers.

Volkswagen - The Connected Dog


The Volkswagen's connected dog app lets your best friend walk himself.

BMW Vision Next 100 Years


The revolutionary automobile prototype stands out with its innovative design and latest technology. Includes a full size Heads-Up Display which extends on the entire windscreeen. Enjoy the ride

Dell Future Ready Series: Night Before


Technological innovation allows Doctor Ajay to have a personalized hotel experience, so he can think about what matters most. A Dell view of the Future.

The Future of Parenting


Inspired by technology advancements in the next decade of this ever changing world, Fisher-Price has envisioned the Future of Parenting. Play on.

Nixie: the first wearable camera that can fly


A camera that comes with you everywhere... and can fly. With a gesture, Nixie takes off, captures the moment, and comes right back

Nissan: introducing the Fuel Station of the Future


Illustrated in this stunning video is Nissan's vision of the automobile and how a connected world will change our way of living as new technologies emerge.

ReFlex: Revolutionary flexible smartphone allows users to feel the buzz by bending their apps.


Researchers at Queen's University's Human Media Lab have developed the world's first color, high resolution and wireless flexible smartphone to combine multi-touch with bend input.

i.Dummy, the revolutionary fitting system


Hong Kong designed, developed and produced technology for the fashion industry,a revolutionary adjustable mannequin.

Gartner Top 10 Tech Trends for 2016


Gartner defines a strategic technology trend as one with the potential for significant impact on the organization. These technologies impact the organization's long-term plans, programs & initiatives.

2016 Tech Trends to Watch


Goldman Sachs discusses four trends dominating the tech sector in 2016.

Top 20 Trends in 2016 Forecast / 2016 Trend Report from Trend Hunter


The Trend Hunter top 20 2016 report. The research is based on their crowdsourced, crowd filtered platform which to date has measured roughly 2.5 billion consumer choices from 130 million people.