Top 25 Retail Website / Global Retail Influencer



Facial recognition technology will change the way we live


Facial recognition tech will transform way we live in 2018. Machines that can read & recognise our faces will go mainstream, opening up possibilities & posing new dangers. Economist 2017 prediction.

The single biggest reason why startups succeed


Bill Gross has founded a lot of startups, and incubated many others — and he got curious about why some succeeded and others failed. He found one factor that stands out from the others — and surprised

Better You — Apple


An Apple iWatch Series 4 reminder to get more active, healthy, and connected and find a "Better You".

These eight technologies are essential and reshaping today


PwC analyzed the business impact and commercial viability of more than 250 emerging technologies to zero in on the “Essential Eight.”

Time Travel and Science


Time travel is flashy in the movies, but how does it stand up to science? No matter how they work, which method of time travel is your favorite?

The Humorous Danger of Your Future Smart Home


As AdAge states, "advances in technology comes with drawbacks--there's the huge concern about privacy, of course, as well as more basic issues, like when all that hi-tech simply doesn't work." 

Infiniti Electric Automobile Prototype 10 - First Look


Aesthetically, it’s 60% Star Wars, 40% soapbox derby—a vision of the automobile future as seen by someone from the past.

Mercedes Benz: Let the Lights Speak


Enlightening innovation feature. Drivers can project messages with new word wise headlights. The lights can also project navigation guides and road conditions or traffic warning symbols.

Whiteboard Session: Why Every Organization Needs an AR Strategy


Harvard Business Review - Michael Porter and Jim Heppelman explain how augmented reality will change how we work. 30% to 50% human productivity improvements.

Augmented Reality and Training Lamborghini Mechanics


In conjunction with Innovam, the training institute for the automotive industry in the Netherlands, TWNKLS developed an Augmented Learning application for Lamborghini.

An Airplane Engine Powered Motorcycle Sci-Fi Ride to the Future


Former F1 racer & designer Taso Marques has created the TMC Dumont, an incredibly sleek, low-to-the-ground motorcycle that sports an airplane engine & giant silver wheels without hubs. Enjoy the ride.

Travel Faster And Further Than Ever Before


Flying cars, ride-share vehicles that double as stores, and underground tunnels. Welcome to the future of travel. From Futurism

Futurism Top "Why?" Techs


Are you ready for the "Smart Rope" or "Smart Toilet" or the "Smart Wall" or the "Smart Lose Weight Headband" or "Smart Toothbrush"

Demonstrations of DARPA's Ground X-Vehicle Technologies


DARPA's Ground X-Vehicle Technologies (GXV-T) program aims to improve mobility, survivability, safety, and effectiveness of future combat vehicles without piling on armor.

Cannes Lion Digital Craft Award Winner - Aeronaut VR, Billy Corgan


AI / Virtual Reality peek at entertainment's future. VR by Isobar New York, a three-and-a-half-minute room-scale experience designed for Smashing Pumpkins’ Billy Corgan’s single, Aeronaut.

Drone pollinates Central New York apple orchard


A Dropcopter drone pollinates the Beak & Skiff apple orchard in LaFayette, New York. All industries will be disrupted. Note NO sound.

Forget Wi-Fi, Li-Fi is the Next Form of Wireless Internet


Soon the lights in your home could connect you to the internet faster than your router. Hacker proof connectivity is coming.

Five Technologies Prove The Future Is Now


Five technologies that prove we are already living in the future.....

Google I/O 2018 keynote in 14 minutes


The Google I/O 2018 keynote had a bunch of major announcements about Android P, Google Assistant, and more. Here’s the most important news to know.

Top 20's 2018 Trend Report


Good fast paced set of trends summary from @trendhunter . Are you ready for Fast Fad Lifestyles?