Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 70 - Vaccination Race and the Critical Marketing Trends
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

The Race Towards Full Vaccination
According to Statista, as of August 4, 2021, which countries are winning the race towards full COVID-19 vaccination? Number 1 is the United Arab Emirates which over 71% of the population fully vaccinated. Number 2 is Bahrain with nearly 65%. Number 3 is Israel with just over 62%, number 4 is United Kingdom at just over 57%, Germany is number 5 at just over 53%, USA is sixth at nearly 50%, France is at 49%, and Japan is just over 32%.
Global COVID-19 Cases Climb past 200 million
More interesting data from Statista on a grim COVID-19 milestone reached last week.
Seventeen months after the World Health Organization officially declared the global COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, the world surpassed a grim milestone on Wednesday. According to the Johns Hopkins University, global confirmed cases have now surpassed 200 million, with the actual number probably much higher due to asymptomatic, undetected cases and limited testing.
Five countries account for more than half of the world’s known cases, with the U.S. (35.3 million), India (31.8 million) and Brazil (20.0 million) the only three countries with more than 10 million confirmed cases. The other two countries with large number of cases are Russia and France.
How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected global Trade?
According to the World Economic Forum, COVID-19 has surfaced three major trends in global trade:
First, the pandemic affected services trade more than goods trade. Services trade fell by more than 20% in 2020, almost four times the decline in goods trade.
Second, the impact of the Covid shock on trade was different across countries. In particular, the fall in Chinese trade was much smaller than in other regions. The recovery of Chinese trade was especially strong, supported by robust global demand for goods and China’s ability to reopen its domestic supply chains ahead of other countries.
Finally, the pandemic has had a significant impact on shipping costs, which have increased by around 350% since May 2020.
How many Websites are There?
Interesting data from Statista this week on the number of websites that are live in the world today.
30 years ago, on 6 August 1991, British physicist Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Switzerland published the first ever website, the WorldWideWeb (W3). Fittingly, the site was about the World Wide Web project, describing the Web and how to use it.
By the end of 1992 there were ten websites online and, after CERN made the W3 technology publicly available on a royalty-free basis in 1993, the internet gradually started to grow into the all-encompassing giant that it is today.
By 1994, there were close to 3,000 sites, one of which was a fledgling Yahoo! which, originally called 'Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web', started its online life as a web directory. By the time Google came onto the scene there were over two million websites.
Can you guess the number of websites that are live in 2021? The answer is actually a lot more that I thought. 1.88 billion websites today and the growth curve indicates that this number will continue to increase rapidly.
33 Statistics that Retail Marketers Need to know in 2021
Some Invoca.com a few statistics that Retail Marketers Need to Know in 2021.
- 81% of retail shoppers conduct online research before buying.
- 77% of shoppers use a mobile device to search for products.
- In 2021, retail marketers will spend $23.22 billion on mobile ads.
- The average cost for a retail lead is $34.
- The average conversion rate for a retail lead is just 3%.
- The opportunity cost of not being omnichannel is 10% in lost revenue.
- 84% of consumers believe retailers should be doing more to integrate their online and offline channels.
- 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services.
- 65% of consumers have cut ties with a brand over a single poor customer service experience.
- 40% of consumers purchase more from retailers that provide a personalized shopping experience across channels.
New Virus Variants Discovered! Vaccines are the Best Protections against Variants! In this week’s episode, our co-hosts discuss these topics and more, including Fraud in vaccines continue, Sequencing in Labs are happening quickly, UAE Continues Lead in Vaccination Efforts, and 200 million people have been infected with COVID-19. Listen in to stay updated on hot topics in the industry and more!