Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 46 - Vaccinations and Being Number 1
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, Tom Meehan

January retail year on year comparison from the US census. Overall sales jumped 5.3% from December Bureau: non-store retail or online + 22%, Sporting goods, hobby and books + 22%, building materials and garden + 14%, grocery stores + 11%, motor vehicles and part dealers + 10%, bottom 3, food services and drinking places - 16%, clothing and accessories -11%, electronics and appliances -4%.
From Statista, Covid-19 vaccinations doses administered per 100 people as of February 13, 2021: Israel 72.58, United Arab Emirates 50.61, United Kingdom 22.23, and USA 15.14.
Brand Finance, The World's Most Valuable Apparel Brands 2021: Nike, Gucci, Adidas, Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Zara, H+M, Chanel, Uniqlo, and Hermes.
From RIS News and Forbes, the ten best large American Retailers to work for: Costco, Trader's Joe, Bass Pro Shop, eBay, Columbia Sportsman, Puma, IKEA, Sephora, Aldi, and Hobby Lobby.
From RIS News, Walmart announced with their Q4 results that they will invest $14 billion in the next year with focus on supply chain automation, customer facing initiatives and technology.
From PWC, Latest Global GDP Forecasts: World for 2021 previous forecasts 5% latest 4.2%, USA previous forecasts 4% and latest 3.2%, European Union previous 5.1% and latest 3.6%, China strongest growth for 2021 at 8%.
From D&D Daily 2020 Robbery Report in Retail, retail robberies remarkably stable after 2016 high. For 2020 total robberies 5563 versus 5576 in 2019. Top 3 By Store Type: C-Stores 25%, Jewelry 14%, and Restaurants 11%. 40% of the time gun used 35% unarmed. Highest robberies by weekday: Sunday 17%, Monday 17%, and Tuesday 15%. 49% of the incidents between 8 PM and 4 AM. Highest robbery stats: California 528, Texas 424, and New York 347. Top 3 Cities 2020: Chicago, San Antonio, and New York. 2019: Houston, San Antonia, and Las Vegas.
Vaccinations are UP! Retail Sales are UP! According to the US Census Retail Bureau, January retail sales were up 3%. In this week’s episode, our co-hosts discuss these topics and more, including the US vaccination expansion campaign, retail successes in January, ranking of best retail performers, and vaccine efforts worldwide.