Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 42 - Retail Violence 2020 and Top Shopping Features
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

D&D Daily 2020 Retail Violence Report - 523 Retail fatalities in 2020, up 40% in last five years. 123 store associates killed in 2020, up 41% from 2019. 76% of deaths were innocent victims. 48% were killed in parking lots. 50% in convenience stores or restaurants. For 2020, even with store lockdowns fatalities were up 5% and incidents were up 14% from 2019. For 4th quarter 2020, fatalities were up 15% and incidents up 25%.
For 2020 24% of those killed were suspects, 49% were customers, 24% were store associates, and 3% were law enforcement / LP. 47% of fatalities were instore or mall and 5% off premises. Of 123 associates killed 71% were during a crime such as a robbery, burglary or theft. 85% male. Worst day Tuesday and Wednesday and least violent day Friday. Top 3 states Texas, California, and Florida. Top3 cities Philadelphia, Chicago, and Houston.
Euromonitor - Top 5 preferred instore tech asked by consumers: scan & go Amazon model; scan and go mobile; loyalty points by being recognized by facial recognition; interactive displays; virtual fitting rooms. 51% of consumers choose "time to myself" among their top 3 priorities. 87% in global survey owned a smartphone.
Retail Dive - What six charts say about pandemic's impact on USA retail: E-commerce soared to $795 billion, up 32%. E-commerce 19% of total retail sales in 2020; Foot traffic plummeted; retail bounced back but apparel fell hard; store closures continue to pile up. 4th consecutive year were store openings versus closures was negative; Bankrupticies stacked up with more to come; Retail stocks took a nose dive but ended year strong.
523 retail fatalities in 2020. 19% of total retail sales took place online. Our co-hosts discuss the D&D Retail Violent Fatalities report, global consumer trends, vaccine misinformation, upcoming LPRC initiatives, zero-day flaws, Ohio’s unemployment office data breach, and much more in this week’s episode.