Loss Prevention Research Council Weekly Series - Episode 41 - C-Suites Priorities and Retail Trends 2021
With Dr. Read Hayes, Tony D'Onofrio, and Tom Meehan

2021 Deloitte Retail Industry Outlook. Retail investment priorities for 2021 according C-Suites executives: Digital acceleration 88%: Supply chain resilience 78%; Health and safety 78%; realign cost structure 72%.
Bain & Company - why tech companies must quickly evolve to stay in the game. Technology leaders can easily get knocked off their leaderboard and recovery is difficult. In a Bain study 55% of technology companies under performed for three or mor years between 1996-2018. Once a technology company trails its sector for three or more years, its chances of turning things around are very low. Two keys to successful transformation: win the platform battle to create and maintain value; boost growth by repositioning the core business or extending capabilities into new domains.
From Total Retail - Tech trends for 2021: the future of retail: subscriptions for recurring revenue, flexible payment options, enhanced loyalty across channels, rewriting rules for retail.
From Retail Dive - 9 retail trends to watch in 2021: the pandemic will forever alter the brick and mortar landscape; the culling of the weak retailers will continue; the generalist giants will try to consolidate their 2020 gains; the distinction between DTC and traditional retail will continue to blur; some pandemic pivots may not stick; the pandemic boom will continue but so will its challenges; apparel attempts to bounce back or at least not bleed out more; consumers will be stuck and that's a problem; new owners take the center stage.
Tune in for this week’s quick update – our co-hosts discuss pool testing, Operation Warp Speed, Deloitte’s retail industry outlook, tech companies need to evolve, subscription services in retail, fake vaccine scams, global data breaches, and much more.