The last ten years of my life have been transformational. Curiosity and continuous improvement have been the cornerstone of the evolution of my personal brand.
The support and inspiration by many of you, plus the many questions on the formula of my personal brand, led to the writing of my first book titled: Unleash Your Brand: Discovering the Key to Monetizing Your Own Personal Brand.
This book is my gift to everyone around the world that has supported and encouraged my branding journey. In the over 200 pages, I share insights on how my personal brand started, how I monetized it, the impact of Artificial Intelligence, and the exact details of the formula that made it successful.
The quotes from Jeff Bezos, Walt Disney, Vince Lombardi, Mark Twain, PT Barnum, and Ralph Waldo Emerson in this article are followed by my own words as written in the book. Scan the QR code if you would like to receive notification and a discount on the book's release.
There is no better time than today to start your own personal branding journey to elevate the value of your corporate career and set you up to many more future options to monetize your individual value. According to Goldman Sachs, the creator economy will approach nearly a half-trillion dollars by 2027, up from $250 million today. Your share awaits and the faster you start, the more valuable your brand will become.
"Your Brand is What People Say About You When You are Not in the Room" - Jeff Bezos
"Personal branding is the deliberate crafting of your public persona including all published content created to shape it. This only works long term if it is crafted based on your particular skills and discovering how those skills add value to the world around you. Genuine self-expression, built on skills that are fine-tuned over time, is what builds successful personal brands. Fake brands fail, and fail substantially over time."
"A strategically well-executed personal brand will turn your name into a valuable monetizable asset, find you a valuable value-sharing global audience, create multiple alternative paths to success, increase trust and credibility, lead to more curiosity and invaluable continuous learning, allow you to take control of your online narrative, increase top-of-mind awareness, and leave a lasting positive legacy."
"All our Dreams can Come True, If we Have the Courage to Pursue Them." - Walt Disney
"Obstacles early in life can be helpful in shaping our lives and helping identify the true self that is inside all of us."
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
"Optimism doesn’t mean that you are blind to the reality of the situation. It means that you remain motivated to seek a solution to whatever problems arise."
Everyone has a Will to Win, but Very Few have the Will to
Prepare to Win." - Vince Lombardi
"Aspiration to be a mega brand starts with the perspiration in doing the work to get started."
"The human mind has infinite untapped potential and the only thing in its way is you."
The Secret to Getting Ahead is Getting Started." - Mark Twain
"Welcome to the creator economy where individuals with their own brands have emerged as one of the biggest developments of the digital age."
"There are multiple levels of social media influencers that allow you to monetize your brand. You can make money on all levels as you move up the popularity scale."
"There are endless ways to monetize your brand."
Without Promotion, Something Terrible Happens - Nothing." - P T Barnum
"When trust is combined with self-confidence, the magic of a valuable brand emerges. Self-confidence is a mental muscle we all can develop."
"Allowing others to define your worth based strictly on your work performance will not optimize your opportunities for both personal and professional growth."
"A Level 5 leader can be a major change advocate. He or she will have an insatiable appetite for new ideas, will embrace technology, focus on achievable dreams with deadlines, and will always put the people around them first. It is with these exact skills that, through self-promotion, you can create an exceptional, highly valuable personal brand."
"The increased adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) will disrupt all industries and will be a game changer for personal branding."
"Just using AI as your content is a dangerous strategy because AI lacks the unique personality in you that makes you valuable. You are not a robot and we have some time go before AI can deliver true artificial consciousness."
"Contrary to popular belief, fear is not something we are born with. We learn to be afraid by conditioning or a negative experience."
"The Only Person you are Destined to Become is the Person you Decide to be." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"A personal brand is nothing more than a formalized approach to elevate the value and visibility of your skills to the world around you."
"The cover design of this book is the metaphor for your life. You can be chained to the dogma of a traditional life where others are in control and design it to its eventual end. Alternatively, at any age, you can break that monotonous chain and unleash your highly valuable personal brand."
"You now have a successful example starting formula. So, take that first step, adapt it to your personality, stick with it and YOU too can create a life with no regrets."
"As Christopher Robin said, ‘Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger that you seem, and smarter than you think.’ The same positive thoughts that this book inspired remind me every day that I love my life and cannot wait for what it will reveal next."