My favorite post this week went viral on the Business Insider web site with almost 1.4 million views. The article reminded me that the journey of life that we are all on is unique for each of us. There is no magic formula for success. Ultimately, we make the choices on which path to take in our personal future. In many ways, information around us is the food to our thoughts that leads to the choices we make. What we choose to read, what we believe in, how we decide to turn our thoughts into action helps shape the journey.
To promote excursions and products from the country, the India Ministry of Tourism has been running a marketing campaign with the brand line "Incredible India." My favorite post this past week was a reminder that this same tag line "Incredible India"can be applied to the nascent modern organized India retail industry.
Favorite Weekly Post: Government of #India opens #retail supermarket sector to foreign chains. Good news for global retailers, eg #WalmartFor the last several weeks, Time magazine has been running a series of articles on the "Future of Retail". Following are the four topics highlighted to date:
(Retail) Companies That Profit By Investing in Employees - Will Amazon Take Over the World? - Reports of the Shopping Mall's Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated - Michelle Phan, a retail consumer turned YouTube video star by simply going shopping. Follow this link to see her "$20 Makeup Challenge Haul (video)" that has gone viral with almost 1 million views from around the world.
Eighteen months ago, ran across an article highlighting a new YouTube phenomenon labeled "Haul Shopping Videos". Always keeping on eye on the future of retail, pondered at that time whether this was a fad or a trend of the continued industry evolution.
The current pace of RFID retail expansion and its historical roots sometimes reminds me of that age old question that an innocent child always asks on that long car trip - Are we there yet?
Contemplating that question led to the selection of the following as my favorite post from this past week:
The 2012 London Olympics are now history. As we all cheered through the thrills of victory and yes the agonies of defeat (ABC Sports), we probably missed were some key marketing lessons as they relate to branding. For the Games of the XXX Olympiad, a new technology subplot emerged that in the future will lead participating companies that understand it to either win gold in branding or go home without a medal. Thinking of the marketing lessons from the 2012 Olympics led to selecting the following as the most important post of the week:
Four Leadership Lessons From The Olympics key 2012 London Olympics statistics to set the scene:
Welcome to my blog, the next logical step in my social media journey that started about 2 years ago. You may not have known it, but this educational journey started with some central themes that were defined very early on. Initially exposed on Twitter and slightly refined at the top of this blog, the main themes that have driven the weekly postings are:
Ideas on leadership, innovation, technology, and global retail trends. Interest in mobility, social media, e-commerce, security, global cultures, and emerging markets.